By agreeing to this Agreement you agree to the terms of your experience with Top Rider and WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO SUE US AND TO EXERCISE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS.


Acknowledgement of Risks, Dangers & Obligations.

I acknowledge that motorcycle rider training is potentially dangerous and that by participating in the training I take, and am exposed to certain risks and dangers as follows,

  1. That I may be injured physically or mentally and may be killed
  2. That my machinery, equipment, or personal effects may be damaged, lost or destroyed.
  3. That training conditions may be hazardous and may vary without warning or predictability.
  4. That any insurance policy for or in respect of my life or physical or mental health may be void.
  5. That there may not be adequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured.
  6. That I have an obligation to myself and to others to participate in motorcycle training safely and with consideration to others and to observe all road rules.
  7. That I have been instructed to wear a helmet that complies with the Australian Standard (Standard 1698) and I have been advised to wear protective motorcycle clothing whilst training.

I acknowledge that I will be Trained and assessed in accordance with the Q-Ride documented training and Assessment process.


Indemnity Given to Top Rider Australia

In consideration of the acceptance of myself as a student I agree to indemnify the Approved Rider Trainers and Top Rider Australia and any other company associated with Top rider Australia in the following manner: That I participate in the training acknowledging my risk and responsibility and that I accept the training venues, the motorcycle’s, and the equipment as they are, with all or any defects. That when and where training is conducted to recognised industry practises, I indemnify and hold harmless Top Rider Australia and any other parties associated with Top Rider Australia against any actions or claims which may be made by me, or on behalf, or by other parties, for or in respect of, or arising out of my death or any injury, loss or damage to me, my machinery, my equipment, or my personal effects.


My Rights and Responsibilities

  1. I acknowledge that it is my right and responsibility to refuse to attempt any exercise or activity that I do not understand or do not feel confident to attempt.
  2. I may request that the instruction or instructions be given to me a second time or to be explained more fully.
  3. I acknowledge that as part of the mentor role, Approved Rider Trainers may encourage me to try activities which I would not otherwise attempt. Even after encouragement I acknowledge it is my judgement which will prevail whether I attempt the activity or not.
  4. To the best of my knowledge, I am free of the influence of any situation or substance that may impair my ability to operate a motorcycle.
  5. If I become separated from the Approved Rider Trainer and others in the course, I will pull over in a safe, legal position and wait for the Approved Rider Trainer.
  6. To the best of my knowledge all motorcycles used for Q-Ride training purposes supplied by student are registered and in road worthy condition.



  1. The Releasees have the irrevocable right and licence to use photographs, video, sound or other works which they may create or I may provide to them (including through a website or social media) of me or any other persons (the “WORKS”) for any purposes, and I consent to such use without any compensation therefor.
  2. I expressly assign and shall pay over any compensation I may receive from third parties in relation to the WORKS to the RELEASEES. I expressly transfer all intellectual property rights I may have in the Works to the RELEASEES. I also expressly waive any moral rights I may have in the Works.
  3. I agree to the use of my contact information by the RELEASEES for promotional or follow-up purposes relating to the RELEASEES only. The RELEASEES will not give my contact information to third parties as outlined in the Privacy Policy.


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